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The well-known Burmese Water Festival brings in the New Year! Hissho staff “moved it up a bit,” by preparing a very famous dessert made by our Burmese staff members.
The ingredients are many: bread, bread pudding, canned milk, coconut milk, rosewater syrup, a gelatinous dessert, tapioca, whole milk, vanilla ice cream, and probably a few more I missed. Each item was put in a bowl with the milk mixture poured on top of it.
So much work went in to make this special dessert in honor of the celebration that is a tradition still enjoyed across the globe in Burmese communities. It’s a great time of revelry, meeting new people, getting wet and loving every minute of it.
One website states: “Myanmar Water Festival takes place each year from 13 to 17 of April towards to the end of hot and dry season with activities such as praying for peace in pagodas, bathing rituals for Buddha and then gathering in the streets, splashing water on passersby instead of New Year greetings”